Bettawan Indian Almond Bark T-Bags Heat-Sealed 2.4" x 3.3"
Bettawan Indian Almond Bark T-Bags are another alternative to Indian Almond Leaves, essential for healthier fish and successful breeding.

Indian Almond Bark Heat - Sealed T-Bags
2.4" x 3.3" ( Terminalia Catappa ).
20 = $22.25 300 = $58
50 = $26 400 = $71
100 = $35.50 500 = $90
200 = $46 1000 = $159
All prices include Tracking Number and Registered Airmail Shipping.
Bettawan Indian Almond Bark T -Bags (Terminalia Catappa): Heat Sealed 2.4" x 3.3"
Contents: Ground Indian Almond Bark. For small fishtanks. Dosage: 1 bag for each gallon (4 litres) of water. Large fishtanks 2 - 4 bags per 25 gallon (100 litres) of water. Discard the bag/s after 1 week and replace with a new bag/s.
The Indian Almond Bark T-Bags can be placed directly into the tank or put into the filtration system. Alternatively, you can put the bags into a cup and add boiling water, leave to cool. The water in the cup will have the appearance of strong tea by the time the water cools and can be added to your aquarium. This will leave a strong brown dye that will tan the water slightly (to a clear amber) and provide a very natural stream-bottom look to your aquarium.
Simulate black water condition which is the natural environment for most tropical fish.
Cure sick fish of bacterial infections and to help speed up healing of damaged fins or body injuries.
Enhance fertility of fishes. Enhance the natural color of fish.
Contain humic acids and tannins which have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Contains calcium needed to activate the muscles and to develop strong bones, teeth and scales.
Lowers the pH of water and absorbs harmful chemicals.
Bettawan Indian Almond Bark T-Bags are ideal for bettas, discus, gourami's, killifish, tetras, arowana’s, angelfish, South American dwarf cichlids, cory's, plecos, some rasboras some catfishes and crustaceans.